Speaking at a Planning Committee

Effective as of Thursday 16th January 2025

Public Speaking at Planning Committee

Public speaking is a vital part of the planning decision-making process. Members of the public are invited to attend and speak at Planning Committee meetings. This procedure sets out the rules and guidelines for those wishing to speak. 

Who Can Speak?

Objectors or Supporters:  All objectors/supporters must have commented on the application before the final neighbour notification period has expired and must register in advance.

Applicants or Agents: All applicants/agents can speak even if they haven’t commented previously but must still register in advance.

Parish/Town Councils: Representatives can speak without having commented previously but must still register in advance.

Ward Councillors/Political Leaders: Can speak on behalf of their constituents but must notify Committee Services by 1700 hrs on the Monday before the meeting.


Speakers must register no later than 1700 hrs on the Monday before the meeting (usually held on the Thursday of that week), using the proforma provided below.  Ward Councillors & Political Leaders must notify Committee Services of their intention to speak in writing by the same deadline.  A link to the Committee agendas is below

It is the responsibility of all those wishing to speak to establish whether the item will be on the agenda before registering and we will not be writing to third parties to confirm.  Agendas are published on the Wednesday evening the week prior to a meeting, so for example, for a meeting held on 16 January, the agenda would be available on 8 January from 1730 onwards.

Only 3 speakers are permitted in the categories of objection or support.  If more than 3 people wish to speak, a spokesperson must be appointed, or the time split between speakers.

Order of Speakers (all speakers are allotted 3 minutes except for Ward Councillors/Political Leaders who may speak for 5 minutes).

  • Objectors
  • Supporters
  • Parish/Town Councils
  • Applicants/Agents
  • Ward Councillors / Political Leaders.

What Can You Speak About?

  • Comments must relate to planning considerations only.
  • Personal opinions should be stated as such.
  • Defamatory or offensive remarks will not be permitted.

Materials & Presentations

No new materials, letters, or presentations can be presented at the meeting.

Deferred Applications

If an application is deferred, registered speakers will be notified and allowed to speak when the application returns to the committee.

Can't Attend?

Written representations can be made and will be considered by the Committee. Alternatively, you can appoint someone to speak on your behalf.

Proforma for speaking to be sent to member.services@westlancs.gov.uk

Download the PDF form here

Download the Word form here

Planning committee agendas 

Full procedure for speaking at Planning Committee Meetings