Friday, April 5, 2024

Your Vote is Your Voice, so make sure that you are registered to vote in West Lancashire


  • Check that you are registered to vote, that your details are correct and that your voice is heard through the ballot box 
  • Remember, you will need photo ID to vote 
  • Postal or Proxy voting options are available to you 


On May 2 2024, residents across West Lancashire will be involved in the election of new representatives for the local council, the Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the local parish councils, so make sure that you are registered to vote. 

If you are already registered, you do not need to register to vote again for the May elections. However if in doubt, please call the West Lancashire Borough Council’s Elections Office on 01695 585014 to check. 

If you do need to register you can do so at For more information email If you cannot access the internet, you can contact the Council's elections office and request a paper registration form. The closing date to register to vote is Tuesday 16 April. 

Jacqui Sinnott-Lacey, Electoral Registration and Returning Officer, said: “It is important that all eligible residents of West Lancashire exercise their right to vote, and to elect the representatives of their choice. So please check that you are registered to vote, that your details are correct and that your voice is heard through the ballot box." 

Postal or Proxy Votes 

If you don’t think that you will be able to vote at your local polling station on May Election Day, then you can apply for a postal vote. Alternatively, you can apply for a proxy vote, where someone you nominate can go to your polling station to vote on your behalf. 

To apply for a postal vote please visit To apply for a proxy vote please visit Alternatively, call or email the Elections Office to request a paper form. Completed postal vote application forms must reach us by 5pm on Wednesday 17 April and proxy vote forms must arrive by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April. 

Emergency Proxy Votes 

Emergency proxy votes at this election can be applied for where unforeseen illness or incapacity occurs, you learn you cannot go to the polling station because of work reasons, or your Voter Id is lost/damaged/stolen. Applications (paper forms only) can be made up until 5pm on Thursday 2 May.   

Remember, you will need photo ID to vote 

To vote in the May elections you will need to show photo ID at polling stations You can find out which IDs are accepted at here. Your polling station may have changed since the last time you voted, so please check where you will be voting.