The Services we offer
Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases. A description of the services offered.
Regulatory and licensing responsibilities
Services for local businesses
If you own an existing business in the borough or are looking to start one, we can help. Our Economic Regeneration Team can help you search for property and land, access advice and support, business funding, apprentices and much more. Find information here.
If your business is looking for a home, the West Lancashire Investment Centre provides flexible, managed workspace. You can find more information here.
Services for members of the public
Council tax rates and bandings
Electric Vehicle Charge Points
Services for which you are entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees
Planning Services
Regulatory Services
Licencing fees - depends on the type of licence
Pollution permit fees - the fee is set by legislation and is different dependent on the process
Private water supply fees - the legislation describing the fees is linked.
Environmental Services
Pest control fees - Bespoke commercial contracts are available at a price agreed with the customer. Individual commercial jobs are charges at £74.10 per hour plus materials.
Full burials - £850
Permission to erect a headstone on a grave space - £150
Still born babies up to 1 year – Free
Child 1 and over up to 18 years old – Free
Exhumation - £1100
Transfer of title to exclusive rights in grave/ ashes plot. - £50
Ashes internment - £190
Permission of affix tablet to ashes plot - £100
Interment of cremated remains in fill burial plot - £190
Transfer of title to exclusive rights in grave/ ashes plot. - £50
Information for visitors to the area, leisure information and events
Leaflets, booklets and newsletters
Members Updates - at the bottom of the page under Members Updates
Hints & Tips to Using Household Items Efficiently
Heritage and environment publications
Advice and guidance
Homelessness advice and prevention
Repairs & Improvements guide for Tenants
Media releases