Our Performance

To ensure openness and transparency we publish our Customer Feedback performance annually.

We implemented a new Customer Feedback policy in October 2022, this means for 2022/2023 our performance data in our Customer Feedback annual report is separated into two separate periods:

  • Period 1 - April 2022 to 30 September 2022- the data relates to Complaints under the former three stage process.
  • Period 2 - October 2022 to 31 March 2023– the data relates to Comments, Compliments and Complaints under our new two stage process.

 Measuring Our Performance

The following information provides a summary of our performance in relation to complaints.  

Complaints received - 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022 under the former three stage process

Complaint Stage

Number received

% responded within timescales

Number of complaints upheld

Stage 2 11 27%


Escalated to stage 3 9 75% 0%


Complaints received - 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 under the new two stage process

Complaint Stage

Number received

% responded within timescales

Number of complaints upheld

Complaints – stage 1




Complaints received and Escalated to stage 2










You can find out more information about our performance in our annual Customer Feedback 2022/2023 report

Housing Services Performance

As a landlord, we must comply with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code. This includes reporting on performance in relation to Complaints for Housing Services.

Housing Complaints received 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022 under the former three stage process

Complaint Stage

Number received

% responded within timescales

Number of complaints upheld

Stage 2




Escalated to stage 3







Housing complaints received 01 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 under the new two stage process

Complaint Stage

Number received

% responded within timescales

Number of complaints upheld

Complaints – stage 1




Complaints received and Escalated to stage 2







You can understand how the Council performs in all service areas in our Customer Feedback 2022/2023 report

How have we learned from Customer Feedback?

We value feedback about our services and see this as an opportunity to learn, adapt and improve the services we offer to our customers. You can read more about the improvement opportunities we've identified as a result of customer feedback in our Customer Feedback 2022-2023 report and Housing Services Customer Feedback - themes and actions plan.

Due to our governance committee timetables our 2023/2024 Customer Feedback report will be available to view after September 2024 along with our themes and actions plan and a response from Elected Members.    

Complaints self-assessment

The Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code sets requirements for Landlords that ensure they respond to complaints effectively and fairly. All social housing landlords are expected to carry out a yearly self-assessment against the code to ensure complaint handling is in line with the code. 

To see how we are performing against the code, you can read our latest 2024-2025 self-assessment. The Council's lead elected member for Housing Complaints, Councillor Nicola Pryce-Roberts has been involved in this process to provide assurances on the effectiveness of the complaints system and how the Council is meeting the requirements of the complaint handling code.