Charges for wheelie bins
Lost, stolen or damaged bins
If your wheelie bin is lost, stolen or damaged, or if you have moved into a property that does not have any bins, a charge of £25 will be made for a replacement.
If your bin has been lost, stolen or damaged, ordering a new bin as soon as possible will ensure that your waste is collected on your next scheduled collection day and that waste doesn't build up.
Please click here to report a lost, stolen or damaged bin.
Additional bins
Households may qualify for second grey bins if they have a large family or are disposing of approved medical waste. Additional bins for medical waste may be issued following assessment of customer need. If you purchase an additional bin and are found to not be eligible, the bin may be removed from the property without a refund.
If you are not requesting an additional grey bin for a large family or on medical grounds, you will be subject to a waste assessment to help support you to recycle more. This will involve an officer visiting your home and sorting through your waste to ensure that you are recycling everything possible and that you have the correct bins.
Order a new bin
You will need to pay the charge in full at the time of your request. You can pay by debit or credit card. Unfortunately, we do not accept cheques or cash.
Please click here to request a new bin or bag.
To request an additional bin for medical waste following an assessment, please click here for more information.
Why have these charges been introduced?
In 2013 the council spent approximately £35,000 on replacing wheelie bins. The charge will help to offset purchase, administrative, and delivery costs associated with providing a replacement bin.
We also hope the charges will encourage residents to look after their bins and store them appropriately. This in turn may reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour, for example arson attacks and bin fires.
My bin is damaged, can you repair it?
The Council no longer provides a repair service for wheelie bins. This is because we have a number of different types of bins across the Borough, which all need different parts and so we cannot guarantee that your old bin will be repaired sufficiently for you to use, for example lids closing properly on the bin. If your bin is damaged and needs replacing, you will need to buy a new one from the Council at a cost of £25 per bin.
I have medical waste collected from my property. Can I have an additional grey bin and will I have to pay for it?
Additional grey bins for medical waste may be issued free of charge following assessment of customer need. You will need to request the additional bin via our Customer Services Team. One of our Waste Management Officers will make an appointment to carry out a waste audit at your property. If your request is successful then you will be issued with an “authorised” second grey bin for medical waste only, free of charge.
The Council's Corporate Privacy Notice can be found in the attached PDF.