Infrastructure Delivery Plan (2012)

The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) sets out the infrastructure requirements for coming years, and how they will be met.  It has been produced with the assistance of infrastructure partners.

The outcome of the IDP is the Infrastructure Delivery Schedule (IDS) which sets out identified infrastructure requirements and details about the scheme including partners involved in delivery, location, funding sources, timescales and risks associated with the scheme. The schedule is the focal point of the document that sets out the required infrastructure for the Borough.

The first version of the IDP was published in January 2012 and has since been reviewed and updated to reflect the latest information available from infrastructure partners.

The Council will regularly review both the IDS and IDP.  Progress with the IDP and IDS will be reported in the Annual Monitoring Report. 

Please note - the material above is part of the background evidence for the 2012 Local Plan.  More up-to-date evidence is being prepared for the new Local Plan 2023-38; this supersedes the above documents.