Issues and Options Papers
Local Plan Review Ceased
Work on the Local Plan Review stopped in September 2019. Instead, we are now preparing a new Local Plan to cover 2023-2040.
We undertook consultation on the LPR Issues and Options (I&O) papers in spring 2017. The Issues and Options Papers are available below, along with a summary of the representations we received through the consultation. A document containing all of the comments we received is also published.
Feedback on Scoping and I&O Consultation
The Feedback Report summarises the points made during the consultation on scoping, issues and options.
You can also view the Council's responses to comments made, topic by topic. The index of representors matches the 'numbers' in the Schedule of Representations to the persons making the representation.
- Schedule of Representations and WLBC's responses (PDF, 9.5mb)
- Download Index of representors (PDF, 55kb)
Strategic Development Options Paper
Covers: Levels of development (including housing numbers and area of employment land), the Local Plan period, the location of development, the distribution of development.
Economic Policy Options Paper
Covers: Economy, employment land, job opportunities, rural employment, town and village centres, retail, town centre uses.
Environmental Policy Options Paper
Covers: Nature sites, renewable energy, sustainability, healthy places, biodiversity.
Social Policy Options Paper
Covers: Housing (affordable, self build, custom) housing markets, student housing, traveller accommodation, older persons accommodation and social requirements.
Spatial Portrait Paper
The Spatial Portrait uses social, economic and environmental data to paint a picture of the current issues that different areas of the Borough, and the Borough as a whole, are facing. The Local Plan Review can then try to address the weaknesses and threats, whilst building on the boroughs strengths and opportunities.
Duty to Co-operate Statement
We have a duty to work with other Councils, County Councils and other bodies when preparing a Local Plan. Our Duty to Co-operate Statement sets out how we have co-operated with neighbouring authorities and other set bodies in relation to our Local Plan Review preparation.
Further supporting documents
View the LPR Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment
View the presentation (PDF 1.2mb) given at the consultation workshops