Masterplan - Yew Tree Farm
The Yew Tree Farm site in Burscough is a 74 hectare site which lies to the south of Higgins Lane, between the Burscough Industrial Estate and the residential settlement area.
- Download a site plan (PDF 100kb)
Over the plan period (to 2027) the site will be required to deliver at least 500 homes and 11ha of new employment, along with roads, open space and community facilities. Some of the site will be safeguarded for future development needs beyond the plan period (2027).
We want to ensure that the development is well-planned and sustainable and integrates well with the rest of Burscough. Policy SP3 of the Local Plan provides broad and strategic guidance for the site in relation to what should be delivered on the site. A Masterplan provides a greater level of detailed guidance for the site and, in particular, how it may be laid out to accommodate the development. It also identifies which part of the site is not needed for this plan period so that this land may be safeguarded for future development purposes.
How has the site been allocated?
The site is allocated in the West Lancashire Local Plan Development Plan Document (2012-2027) as a Strategic Development Site. Policy SP3 provides broad and strategic guidance for the site in relation to what should be delivered on the site.
How will the Masterplan be used?
Following adoption in February 2015, the Masterplan is now a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This means that it will form part of the planning framework and be used as guidance to inform decisions on planning applications for that site. Any planning applications submitted for the site must meet the requirements of the Local Plan and the Masterplan.
Masterplan documents
- Yew Tree Farm, Burscough Masterplan (PDF 7.2mb)
- Adoption Statement (PDF 27kb)
- Sustainability Appraisal (PDF, 3.9mb)
- Equalities Impact Assessment (PDF 58kb)
- Draft Masterplan Consultation Report (PDF 3.3mb)
How has the Masterplan been prepared?
Masterplans are prepared in partnership with local communities, local businesses, landowners, infrastructure providers, environmental organisations and authorities, the voluntary sector, ward councillors and the parish council. There are several stages.
- The first stage considers the most suitable options for development. .
- The second stage is the preparation of a draft Masterplan.
- The draft Masterplan is then refined to produce the final Masterplan (details above).
Both the first and second stage involve public consultation.
A Stakeholder Group was established to help guide the masterplanning process, made up of representatives from the above groups. The Stakeholder Group was not responsible for making decisions on the Council's Masterplan, but helped to inform its preparation. Full details of the Stakeholder Group's meetings, including agendas and notes, can be found under Stakeholder Group.
All the documents, and consultation feedback reports, for each of the stages can be found using the links below.