Planning policy consultation
Current consultations
- We're promoting an online survey (external link) to understand the types and patterns of use of the coast and green spaces by residents. This is part of a Recreation Mitigation Strategy (external link) jointly being prepared by the Borough Council and the Liverpool City Region authorities.
Statement of Community Involvement
Our standards for consultation on planning matters are set out in the Statement of Community Involvement.
Join our consultation database
To be kept informed about our consultation events and find out how you can get involved, we recommend you register on our Strategic Planning Consultation Database.
We will use the information you provide to us to help develop planning policies and strategies. We would encourage you to provide your personal details (name and address / email address) in order for us to properly consider your response. However, providing your personal details is not mandatory, except where legislation requires it (for example at the Submission / Examination stage of the Local Plan). If you choose to submit your personal details, we will hold them in line with the WLBC Corporate Privacy Notice.
Most recent consultations
- Local Plan 2023-2040 Scope, Issues & Options (Nov 2021 - Jan 2022)
Draft CIL Funding Programme 2022 (Sept - Oct 2021)