CIL receipts and expenditure
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 (as amended) set out exactly how CIL can be used.
Spending CIL
What can CIL be used for?
CIL must be used to fund the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure to support the development of the area. Essentially, this means that we must spend it on infrastructure which is required to support new development and growth in the borough. CIL cannot be used to fund solutions to existing problems unless those problems are made worse as a result of new development.
What is "infrastructure"?
The Planning Act 2008 sets out a wide definition of infrastructure including transport, flood defences, schools, health care, social care, play areas, parks and green spaces, cultural and sports facilities and community safety facilities. However, for the purposes of CIL, the Council must state the types of infrastructure it intends to use CIL monies to fund.
Our Infrastructure Funding Statement sets out the types of infrastructure that we will provide using CIL monies. Within West Lancashire, this will include things like open spaces, play areas, parks, playing pitches, outdoor sports facilities, libraries, health facilities, community centres, public realm, leisure centres, cycle networks, footpaths and bus stops.
Some other infrastructure, like the linear parks, may be delivered through planning conditions and/or site specific agreements with developers.
How must CIL be spent?
80% of the CIL monies collected will be used for strategic infrastructure, 15% of the CIL monies collected will be given to parish councils for use on local infrastructure and 5% of the CIL monies collected are used to fund some of the costs of the administration of CIL. Our Governance and Expenditure Framework sets out in detail how we will identify how CIL and S106 will be spent.
Spending the 80% on strategic infrastructure
- Find out how we spend the CIL Strategic Portion including public consultation
Spending the 15% on local infrastructure
- Find out how we use the CIL Local Portion in local areas
Reporting the CIL we collect and spend
We must report annually on the amount of CIL we collect and what we spend it on. Parish Councils, who receive local portions, must also publish annual reports.
- View the CIL Annual Report(s) for the Borough and Parish Councils