S106 and Unilateral Undertaking - templates and costs
Important Information
A planning officer should advise you as to whether or not a S106 obligation will be required. Where a S106 is required, we have provided templates to help speed up the application process. These documents are a standard / template form of a S106 agreement produced by West Lancashire Borough Council and individual applications will need alterations and amendments to be made to the standard document to tailor it to the specific requirements of the application. Each application and subsequent agreement will be reviewed on their own merits and circumstances.
Importantly, if your application triggers either on-site or off-site BNG requirements, then significant re-drafting will be required, and provisions will be inserted meaning you are liable for a monitoring fee of £500 plus disbursements and this monitoring fee plus disbursements will be an ongoing obligation payable at various stages for the duration of the agreement, which will be for a minimum of 30 years.
These templates can be found below:
- Section 106 Template - Affordable Housing 2014 (PDF 102kb)
- Section 106 Template - On-site Public Open Space and Maintenance (PDF 38kb)
- Section 106 Unilateral Undertaking Template (PDF 36kb)
Any application for the modification or discharge of planning obligations should be submitted by using the form below.
There is a charge of £1287.00 (including VAT) for drafting or checking of S106s, and £650.00 for Unilateral Undertakings. Charges vary for Deed of Variations.
Contact us
For information on Section 106 Agreements contact Legal Services:
Tel: 01695 5771777