Section 106 information
Section 106s, also known as planning obligations, are an agreement between the Council and a developer, where the developer agrees to provide contributions to offset negative impacts caused by construction and development.
Historically in West Lancashire, contributions have been accepted for affordable homes, open space, public transport infrastructure or services, footpaths/cycleways and community facilities (e.g. health, leisure and education facilities).
However, the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in September 2014, has changed S106 requirements slightly.
CIL is a charge, levied on certain developments, to help fund required infrastructure in the Borough. To make sure that developers know what types of infrastructure we intend to use CIL monies on, we must publish a list of all the infrastructure types through our annual Infrastructure Funding Statement.
This means that in West Lancashire certain infrastructure types - like public open space and some transport and community schemes - are collected through CIL. However, Section 106 obligations, or planning conditions, will continue to be used on a site by site basis to secure certain items, including:
- Affordable homes
- Education provision
- Onsite open space and future maintenance
- Flood alleviation measures
- Other site specific items
The developer will either create these or make payments to us for them to be carried out. All planning obligations must be relevant to the development they relate to.
Lancashire County Council's infrastructure and planning obligations paper also sets a consistent approach to their requests across Lancashire. It identifies the subject areas where the county council may request planning obligations and the methodology followed to calculate them. Details can be found on Lancashire County Council's Planning Obligations for Developments website.
If your proposal requires a planning obligation, you must complete and submit the form below.
This proforma must be completed in full. Applications will not be validated if questions are unanswered or not legible.
More information on S106s can be found through these pages, using the links below
- S106 and Unilateral Undertaking - templates and costs
- Use of planning obligations
- Planning obligation policies
- Identifying projects and use of the monies
More information on CIL can be found below: