Pre-Application Advice
Pre-application Forms
If you require a formal opinion on proposals before submitting an application you should complete the appropriate request form, available to download below:
- Pre-application advice - planning application (PDF)
- Pre-application advice - planning application (RTF)
- Pre-application advice – trees/landscaping (PDF)
Information on the procedure for obtaining pre-application advice is provided in our guidance note Information on Pre-application Advice and for the drafting, negotiating and monitoring of Legal Agreements (PDF).
To process a request we require the appropriate form together with the fee and information detailed in the form/checklist. Failure to submit all information required will prevent us from being able to deal with your enquiry.
The enquiry can be sent by email to
The details of any pre-application enquiry and responses given are treated in confidence. You should be aware however, that in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), the Data Protection Act 2018, the public has the right to inspect all papers connected with any subsequent planning application. However, in line with FOIA, the Council, after undertaking a "Public Interest Test", or as requested by the Information Commissioner, may be required to release certain information into the public domain. As such, you may be contacted should such a request be received.
The Planning Service routinely handles a large volume of applications and communications by email, post and telephone. Our webpages provide information on many aspects of our services, including how apply for planning permission and how to register a planning enforcement complaint. We would ask our customers to use this information to ensure your application or enquiry is handled as efficiently as possible.
Whilst delays can be anticipated during peak periods, we will work with you to advise of any implications.
Pre-application Advice Fees
In line with other Lancashire authorities we have introduced charges for pre-application advice, specialist advice and for the drafting, negotiating and monitoring of legal agreements.
The fee can be paid in the following ways:
- Online with your credit or debit card using our online form.
- Internet Banking Service by logging onto your own bank account and transferring the fee to the Council's bank account.
- BACS transfer
When paying by Internet Banking Service or BACS transfer it is essential that you quote either the pre-application enquiry number or quote 'Planning' and provide the site location of the enquiry so that when the payment is received the Council knows what the payment is for.
The Council's bank account details are:
National Westminster Bank Ltd
Account name: West Lancashire Borough Council
Account number: 86998404
Sort code: 01-06-45