How do I get a kerb lowered?
Being able to lower or drop a kerb depends on where you live.
You need to apply for planning permission if...
You live on a classified road, i.e. an A, B or C road you will require planning permission. You will need to submit a full planning application.
- Find the appropriate form on the planning application forms pages
If you are granted permission you will also have to pay to have the crossing installed.
- Contact Lancashire Highways (external link) on 0845 0530011 for more information.
You do not need planning permission if...
You live on an unclassified road, planning permission is not required but you will still have to pay for the work to be done. Contact Lancashire Highways (external link) on 0845 0530011 for more information.
Note: Pedestrian crossings e.g. to get wheelchairs on and off the footway do not require planning permission.