Monday, July 15, 2024

WLBC invites stakeholders to participate in 2024 stakeholder survey


West Lancashire Borough Council is inviting stakeholders to participate in the 2024 Stakeholder Survey and share their perspectives on the community and Council services. 

In the Stakeholder Survey 2024, West Lancashire Borough Council is inviting local groups, organisations and businesses to give their views on several important issues, including Public Health priorities, local services and satisfaction with the Council. 

Conducted by NWA Social and Market Research Ltd on behalf of West Lancashire Borough Council, the survey aims to collect valuable feedback from stakeholders about the Borough and the Council's performance. 

The 2024 Stakeholder Survey includes several core questions aimed at measuring satisfaction and evaluating how well the community is supported by the Council. 

Councillor Vickie Cummins, lead member for Communities, stated: "Stakeholder feedback is crucial for us. It provides a roadmap that helps us enhance or maintain positive changes to ensure everyone in our Borough benefits from quality services. 

"This survey is a significant opportunity for stakeholders to express their views and discuss what matters to them. The Council is committed to serving our community by delivering quality services effectively and efficiently. If you believe there are areas for improvement or want to highlight where we are excelling, please participate in the survey." 

Surveys can be completed online by clicking here. 

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please do not hesitate to call NWA Director Norma Wilburn on 07811 101585 or email  

Stakeholders are encouraged to have their say by completing the survey by August 16, 2024.   

All responses will be kept confidential, and the data will be used to improve Council services and community life.