Monday, July 15, 2024

West Lancashire Borough Council Invites Residents to Participate in 2024 Citizen Survey

West Lancashire Borough Council are inviting residents from the Borough to partake in the 2024 Citizen Survey and share their views about their community and Council services. 

Conducted by NWA Social and Market Research Ltd on behalf of West Lancashire Borough Council, the purpose of the survey is to gather valuable feedback on how residents feel about the Borough and how the Council is performing. 

Following direct feedback from the previous survey in 2022, the Council provided an increase in the opportunities for young people to take part in activities and increased litter patrols in some areas as part of its response to points raised by residents. 

Councillor Vickie Cummins, lead member for Communities, said: "Resident feedback is important to us. It provides a roadmap that helps us improve or maintain positive changes to ensure everyone lives happily in our Borough and feels we’re delivering vital services on their behalf. 

"This survey is an important opportunity for people to have their say and talk about what matters to them. The Council is here to serve our residents and to deliver quality services in the right places while offering value for money, so if you feel you can help us improve, or you want to tell us where we’re getting it right, please take part in the survey. 

The 2024 Citizen Survey consists of several core questions designed to measure resident satisfaction and to assess how well people are supported in the community by the council.” 

The Survey has been posted to a random sample of residents, which will be representative of the borough by ward to ensure there is an equal opportunity for residents across the borough to respond. 

Surveys can be completed online by entering the reference number or by a paper copy in an enclosed pre-paid envelope.  

If you have not received a survey by post your views are welcome and you can give them by clicking here. 

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please do not hesitate to call NWA Director Norma Wilburn on 07811 101585 or email 

Residents are encouraged to have their say by completing the survey by August 16, 2024.  

All responses will be kept confidential, and the data will be used to improve Council services and community life.