Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Council officers recommend closure of Park Pool and Nye Bevan

West Lancashire Borough Council’s elected councillors will vote on a recommendation from council officers to close the Park Pool and Nye Bevan leisure centres at a council meeting on Wednesday 26 February. 

The report from the Director of Planning, Economy and Wellbeing, lays clear to councillors that it is not financially viable to keep the two leisure centres operational, even at reduced hours or capacity, or by increasing membership fees. 

West Lancashire Borough Council has a legal duty to set a balanced budget so decisions must be made to ensure the Council does not serve a Section 114 notice – which in council terms is the equivalent of ‘bankruptcy’. 

The Council’s report states: 

  • The Council has had to deliver significant efficiencies, savings and additional income every year since 2010 as a result of large-scale reductions in government funding. Analysis shows that the Revenue Support Grant (RSG) from Government 2006-2010 was £10.463m while the same RSG 2019-2024 was £850,000. This year the Council will be making further changes to cut costs to tackle inflation and funding reductions. 


  • To summarise. If both swimming pools were kept open it would cost the Council £1.056m next year. If we kept either Nye Bevan or Park Pool open it would cost approx. £0.5m. We need to use this money to reduce the amount of savings that we need to make next year and in the year after so that we can set a balanced budget and still maintain an acceptable level of reserves. 
  • It is the s151 Officer's professional opinion that none of these options are financially viable. 

A 's151 Officer' is in effect, the Borough Council's Treasurer. 

Councillor Carl Coughlan, Lead Member for Leisure said: “I, like all residents reading this report, am disappointed to see the recommendation from officers, however, with consistent cuts to this council’s budget from central government there is no money left to continue subsidising the centres. 

"Should the recommendation be agreed next Wednesday, we will take this opportunity to press ahead with plans for new leisure facilities in West Lancashire, which can be funded through capital projects – funding that can’t be used to maintain day-to-day operations. 

"Our goal is to create modern, financially sustainable facilities that better serve our communities, as demonstrated by the successful £3.314million refurbishment of the Burscough Wellbeing & Leisure Hub which is now open. This is just the start. 

“We will also work closely with partners including Lancashire County Council who are responsible for providing school swim as part of the curriculum, and others to try to ensure no break in school swim provision, which was identified as a top concern and priority through the recent consultation. 

“It would be our immediate intention to ensure that school swim remains available until the end of the current school year while alternative provision is secured for the new school year.”