Speaking at Meetings of Committees

Members of the public have the opportunity to speak in public on agenda items at meetings of the Policy & Resource Resources Committee, Audit and Governance Committee; Standards Committee; Planning Committee; Licensing Committees and sub committees.

Policy & Resources Committee; Audit and Governance Committee; and the Standards Committee

Residents of West Lancashire can make representations and speak in relation to items on the agendas.

Request to speak

Requests must be submitted by email or in writing no later than 10am on Friday of the week preceding the meeting. Dates of future meetings are set out in the calendar of meetings.

The request to speak must relate to an item on the agenda at a particular meeting.  All meetings take place at the Council offices in Derby Street, Ormskirk.

Planning Committee

Members of the public can request to speak at Planning Committee meetings about planning applications that are to be considered by the Committee. You need to give at least three working days' notice that you want to address the Committee. You can also comment on planning applications in writing or via the website.

Licensing Committees and Sub-Committees

These committees and sub committees deal with a wide range of matters in relation to licensing including licensed premises; gambling; taxi licensing.  Members of the public along with applicants, objectors, representatives and responsible authorities may speak in relation to certain appeals and quasi-judicial hearings.