Consultation archive 2018
Changes to Council Tenancy Agreements
Following consultation, we have made some changes to the Tenancy Agreements for our Council Housing Tenants. All tenants will be sent details of their new agreement in the post to sign and return.
Stakeholder Survey
We sought the views of community groups and local businesses about where we should make reductions in spending or increase income.
The 2018 Stakeholder Survey gave organisations a chance to influence the decisions the Council will make about how we provide services in the coming year. The deadline for taking part was 22 March 2018.
Draft housing allocations policy and draft pet policy
The Council would like to know your views on the draft housing allocations. Changes to the current allocations policy have been made to include:
- New statutory requirements
- Changes to priority banding
- Affordability checks
- Local connection
- Changes to age restrictions in sheltered housing
- Transfers between Council properties
- Bidding for 3 bedroom properties by families with 2 children
- Daily advertising on homefinder
We are also looking to introduce a new pet policy in sheltered accommodation, flats that do not have enclosed communal areas and ground floor flats only in blocks with enclosed communal areas.
Both documents are available to read here along with details of local connection data which has been used to help inform the changes to the draft policy:
- Download Draft Housing Allocations policy pdf (582 KB)
- Download Draft Pet policy pdf (335 KB)
- Download Local Connections data pdf (309 KB)
If you have any questions or comments on the draft documents please email the
The closing date for the consultation is 22 March 2018.
Citizen Survey
We sought the views of individual residents about satisfaction with services and where in future the Council should make rections in spending or increase income. The deadline for taking part was 22 March 2018.
Results: the results are being used by the Council as it makes plans for services, efficiencies and savings.
- Download a copy of the Citizens' Survey results 2018 (pdf 4.8mb)
- Download a copy of the Stakeholders' Survey results 2018 (pdf 1.7mb)
Tawd Valley Park
People were invited to have their say on the latest stage of an exciting project to make Tawd Valley Park an even better place to visit.
The closing date for comments was 12 January 2018 and this information is now being reviewed as part of the Tawd Valley Masterplan. Find out more information at Tawd Valley Park Project.