Ormskirk Medieval Festival
Ormskirk Medieval Festival is a fantastic free to enter, family friendly event organised by West Lancashire Parks and Countryside Service in partnership with Historia Noramannis.
This years Medieval Festival will take place on 10th and 11th May and will be open between 11am and 4pm each day.
Visitors can explore a real life medieval hamlet and experience the sights and sounds of Coronation Park over 1000 years ago. There will be a wide range of demonstrations and crafts alongside live-action battle reenactments taking place throughout the event.
There will also be a range of food, drink and trade stalls alongside some current day family entertainments to ensure that the event is a fantastically fun day out for all the family.
If you would like to apply to trade/exhibit at this years Medieval Festival please download a copy of the shows application form below. Please be aware that applications close on Friday 25th April at 5pm.
Medieval Festival 2025 Stallholder Application Form (pdf 176kb)