Summary of our approach to the 2023 Tenant Satisfaction Measures

  • Our 2023 Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey (TSM) were carried out by NWA Social Market Research who followed the Regulator for Housing guidelines and template questions.
  • The survey was posted to a random sample of tenants which offered completion via post or online. The survey was also made available on the Council website.
  • Further to this reminder Emails, letters, and texts were issued with the link to the online questionnaire, and then follow up telephone calls took place.
  • The above approach was used to encourage participation in completing the survey in a way that suits tenants individually. 
  • A total of 713 completed questionnaires were returned, of which 366 were online responses, 183 to SMS texts, 112 returned by post and 52 over the telephone. 
  • The response rate to the survey was 713. This is a confidence level of +3.7% which exceeds the minimum requirements for the Regulator.
  • All responses were then weighted to ensure it was representative of the tenant population as a whole.