Ways to get involved

How can you get involved?


Contact Alex or Rebecca for more information

Email: tenantvoice@westlancs.gov.uk

Tel:     01695 585143

We have many ways for you to get involved, to fit in around you and the things that are of interest to you and to share your experiences including:

Tenant Voice Group – Be involved with our teams and managers to review a range of housing services. This can be as often as you like and on services that you are interested in for example how we allocate homes or work to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour.

Tenant & Leaseholder Advisory Group (Scrutiny) - Give us a reality check by reviewing services in depth, identifying areas for improvement, and suggesting recommendations on how to do this. You can even be trained to mystery shop for us.

Repairs and Servicing Group - Lets discuss our repairs service. This group challenges our policies and procedures, looks at the services we deliver to maintain our homes and get involved in the timescales for repairs, the standards of our homes before we offer them. This group meets regularly to recommend changes to repairs related topics.

Landlord Services Working Group – This is our formal group of tenant volunteers who work with our local Councillors to consider performance, ensure all relevant policies and strategies are in place and have overview of all landlord services. They also consider reports from across our involved groups and service managers. 

Whether you are interested in any of these groups, or would like to be part of our wide range of involvement activities such as mystery shopping, involved as you are in an independent living scheme, or are a younger person and want to know more about our involvement opportunities, estate walkabouts, community days or becoming a block champion and more, the best way to get involved is to get in touch! 

What's in it for you?

As a dedicated Tenant voice team, we can offer opportunity to:

  • Learn new skills as well as meeting new people
  • Meetings at local venues and are online and in person to suit you.
  • Refreshments provided and expenses reimbursed.

If you prefer to be involved on line we have a dedicated platform:

"Tenant Hub", this is a space on Your Voice West Lancashire for tenants who live in a West Lancashire Borough Council's home. If you sign up you can get involved by giving feedback on surveys, and find information such as the annual report and see frequently asked questions, e.g. , how can I report a repair online.

"Your Voice West Lancashire" allows any resident in West Lancashire can engage with us 24/7, in an easy and secure way by participating in surveys, sharing ideas, discussing important topics and providing feedback.

Registering is quick and easy to do, from the home page, click on Register and complete the registration form. Once you have registered you will see many ways for you to engage, from traditional surveys to quick polls or a discussion forum.

Incentives - Your feedback is extremely useful and helps us to continually improve and shape the services that we deliver. To show our appreciation, you’ll be automatically entered into our monthly prize draw and have a chance to win a Love2shop voucher when you attend an in-person consultation session or complete any of the Housing Services surveys that we publish on Your Voice West Lancashire. To see the full terms and conditions, please click here.