Shaping Our Services

Here are the opportunities our tenants and leaseholders have participated in to share their feedback to help shape our services.


Aim and Objective of Activity

Stigma in Social Housing Survey


Signposting opportunity to ensure our tenants can contribute to the "Stop Stigma in Social Housing" survey that will support the social housing sector to make a real difference for residents in tackling social housing stigma.


Housing Strategy Review


To gather tenants' views on the Councils draft Housing Strategy for 2024-2029 which sets out the Council's priorities and actions to meet the current and future housing needs and challenges in the Borough.


Service Commitments Review


To gather tenants' views on our draft Service Commitment document which sets out the standard of service our tenants can expect from WLBC


Lease Holders Service Charge Review


To consult with Leaseholders on current covering letter for the service charge review and FAQs to identify areas for improvement.


Financial Inclusion Strategy Review


To gather feedback and suggestions from tenants on what should be included in the draft Financial Inclusion Strategy


Tenant Voice Webpage Review


To review the West Lancashire Borough Council website to see if tenants could find a "How to Get Involved" page and details on the refreshed Tenant Involvement Framework


Draft Goodwill Discretionary Payment Policy Review


To gather tenants' views on the draft Goodwill Discretionary Payment policy (to compliment the customer feedback policy) that ensures tenants are aware of the how a goodwill gesture or discretionary quantifiable payment would be assessed


Draft ASB Policy Review


To gather tenants' views on the Anti-Social Behaviour Service to solely focused upon community safety and antisocial behaviour.

HOS and Local Government Social Care Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code consultation


Signposting opportunity for tenants to contribute to the consultation that represents an opportunity for interested persons and organisations to provide feedback about the operation of the Code and to influence development of the regime for monitoring compliance with it. They are also seeking comments on the draft Equality impact assessment which has been developed alongside our proposals.


Tenant Engagement Consultation


Three engagement sessions were delivered across the region to invite tenants/leaseholders who had previously expressed an interest in becoming involved in the refreshed tenant voice framework to:
1. Meet members of the team.
2. Learn about the regulatory framework that the Council must meet regarding the consumers standards, in particular the Transparency, Influence and Accountability standard.
3. Consider the draft tenant voice framework and
4. Sign up to involvement opportunities.


Damp & Mould Leaflet Consultation


To gather tenants' views feedback on the draft Damp and Mould leaflet to feedback on the content and design.


Independent Living - Bath Springs


To gather tenants' views of the service they currently receive and identify idea for improving the service offer within our independent living schemes.


Independent Living - Oak Gate


To gather tenants' views of the service they currently receive and identify idea for improving the service offer within our independent living schemes.


Draft Repairs Policy


To gather tenants' views on the draft Repairs Policy and the Councils approach to the delivery of the responsive repairs services to WLBC tenants and leaseholder


Draft Decoration Allowance Policy


To gather tenants' views on the draft Decorations Allowance Policy and the Councils approach to granting payments for decoration


Draft Disrepair Policy


To gather tenants' views on the draft Disrepair Policy and the Councils approach to ensuring that they keep our homes and communal areas free from disrepair and poor housing conditions, investigate disrepair and poor housing condition claims promptly and establish whether there is a case and that we resolve claims quickly and effectively to improve customer satisfaction and avoid the need for court action


Draft Tenant Alteration Policy


To gather tenants' views on the draft Tenant Alteration Policy and the Councils procedure for dealing with tenant and leaseholder requests for alterations both inside and outside of the home and, to ensure that all requests are treated fairly and consistently.


Independent Living - Marlborough Court


To gather tenants' views of the service they currently receive and identify idea for improving the service offer within our independent living schemes.


Damp & Mould Policy


To gather tenants' views on the draft Damp & Mould Policy that complements the Councils Damp, Mould, and Condensation strategy


Regulator of Social Housing - Consumer Standards Consultation


Signposting tenants to the opportunity to give feedback on the proposed new consumer standards


Rent Statement Review


To gather tenants' views with regards to the revised rent statement


Housing Allocations Policy


To gather tenants' views and those with a live Homefinder application, to hear their views on the draft Housing Allocations Policy


Garage Allocations consultation


To gather tenants' views on tenants with a garage and those with a garage application, on how the Council advertise and allocate garages.