Environmental and Green Opportunities


Throughout West Lancashire, there are many opportunities for residents, community groups and businesses to take action and get involved. Below is a snapshot of what is available and follow the links for more information. 

How Residents Can Get Involved: 

Hints and Tips for Saving Utilities

Whether you are a homeowner, tenant, student, business or visitor, we have created a short guide of simple actions that you can take to reduce utility use, greenhouse gas emissions, and save money at home and beyond: Hints and Tips to Using Household Items Efficiently.pdf

Advice and guidance can be found here:

Cosy Homes in Lancashire - Local Council Scheme

Cosy Homes is a partnership of 14 Lancashire Local Authorities providing grants towards heating, insulation and more so residents can feel safe, warm and well at home. Visit Cosy Homes (External Link) or call 03306 061 488 to find out how they can support you.

Home Upgrade Grant (HUG)

Home Upgrade Grant is a Government backed scheme delivered by Local Authorities to improve the energy efficiency worth up to £38,000 of eligible households for free (a contribution will be expected from Landlords). Properties without mains gas central heating and an EPC of D, E, F or G could qualify for free air source heat pump central heating, solar PV panels, all types of insulation and more! To qualify you need to live in an eligible post code area, or have a household income of less than £36,000 per year or be in receipt of a means tested benefit. Cosy Homes will be accepting applications until January 2025 so don't wait to apply, as funding is first come first served. Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) (External Link)

Little Van of Warm 

Need some low cost energy saving measures? Cosy Homes install them for FREE with their Little Van of Warm, handy person service. To qualify you need to have a household income of less than £36,000 per year or be in receipt of a means tested benefit or aged 70+ years old. Visit Cosy Homes (External Link) or call 03306 061 488 to find out how they can support you.


Greener Homes in Lancashire - Delivered by Green Rose

Greener Homes in Lancashire is a new service, supported by Blackpool Council and working with Cosy Home in Lancashire, that advises households and landlords on how to take advantage of new technology and funding opportunities to improve their properties, making them cleaner, more comfortable, and cheaper to run. Visit Greener Homes (External Link) or to book an advise call visit Greener Homes - Advice Call (External Link) to find out how they can support you.


West Lancashire's Parks and Countryside

We have a wide range of fun and fascinating events running throughout the year. To see a copy of this years events programme please click on the link above. West Lancashire's Parks and Countryside (Link)

Volunteering with the Ranger Service

There are many different ways for people to become involved in volunteering for the Ranger Service. We offer a range of formal and informal opportunities tailored to meet the individual needs and availability of each volunteer. Volunteering with the Ranger Service (Link)

Electric Vehicle Cross-Pavement Charging Trail

A new trial is being rolled out which allows residents without driveways to apply for a free cross-pavement channel to charge their electric vehicle from home. Residents are encouraged to contact EV Charging Infrastructure team on EVCharging@lancashire.gov.uk for more information and how to express their interest in participating in the trial. Please note, the application window will be closed once maximum participant numbers have been reached and there are only a limited number of places left. EV Cross-Pavement Charging Trail | Lancashire County Council (External Link)


How Businesses Can Get Involved:

Greener Working

We have a range of support available for businesses within West Lancashire, ranging from Green Tourism positioning the region as a leader in sustainable tourism, and help support your business to gain Green Tourism accreditation and achieve sustainable growth to Chamber Low Carbon to help businesses improve energy and environmental efficiencies, introduce on site renewable energy generation and save money. For information about these projects and more, visit: Greener Working - West Lancashire Borough Council (westlancs.gov.uk)

How Community Groups Can Get Involved: 

Community Energy Webinars

In the autumn, CAG Consultants will provide a series of free webinars exploring different aspects of community energy project development. These are open to all, whether you have a project idea, have applied for funding, or are just interested in learning more about community energy. Provisional dates and topics are below and they all take place in the evening. More information to be provided closer to the time.

    • Communicating and engaging with your communities: 10th September (Past)
    • Common planning considerations for community energy projects: 8th October (Past)
    • Community Energy and retrofit: 29th October (Past)
    • Developing business models and financing community-led projects: 19th November (Past)
    • Embarking on Transport schemes: where to start and who to involve: 10th December (Upcoming)

If you are interested in being involved in Community Energy within West Lancashire, please email: CommunityEnergy@westlancs.gov.uk

Lancashire Climate Action Network

LancsCAN’s main aim – to help mobilise Lancashire’s community voice and action on climate change, working collaboratively with others to advance the county’s climate agenda. Lancashire Climate Action Network (External Link)

The Tree Council - Branching Out Fund

The Tree Council grant is now open for applications for community groups, schools, small registered charities, and Tree Warden Networks seeking to establish trees, hedgerows, and orchards. The fund is now closed for new applications, however, if you are still interested you can complete an expression of interest to be notified when the Branching Out fund reopens. Tree Council - Branching Out Fund (External Link)

Lancashire Community Orchard Grant

The Coronation Community Orchard Grant Scheme is a small grants programme for community groups within Lancashire. The scheme is aimed at local organisations within the voluntary, community and faith sectors, Parish and Town Councils and schools who would like to deliver a community orchard project before 31 March 2025. Funding is limited to one application for a maximum of £3,000 per group. The minimum number of trees per application is five, and the maximum is 25. Your project must be delivered before 31 March 2025. Lancashire Community Orchard Grant (External Link)