Taxi driver or company complaints
West Lancashire Borough Council wants to maintain high standards in all licensed Private Hire and Hackney Carriages. Licensing standards govern the suitability and conduct of drivers and the condition of vehicles.
These standards are maintained thanks to the experience and co-operation of licensed drivers and operators. However, there may be occasion that you feel you need to make a complaint.
What to do first
Depending upon the nature of the complaint, in the first instance you should complain to the Proprietor or Manager of the company the vehicle operated from, if the issue cannot be resolved with the Proprietor or Manager then you should contact the Licensing Service either by calling 01695 577177 or by using the forms below.
When to complain to the Police
If your complaint is in relation to an alleged road traffic offence like reckless driving, sounding of horn etc you should complain to the Police on 01695 724101.
When to complain to us
If your complaint is about any licensed driver and/or operator, in relation to the driver being discourteous, abusive or the vehicle is in a dangerous or unsanitary condition, then you should contact the Licensing Team by using these online forms:
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