Pay a bill
UPDATE 08/07/2024:
There are many ways to pay your council bills including direct debit, online, by phone, by standing order and by post.
Pay by debit/credit card using the online payment system. Please select the payment you want to make from the list below:
- Council tax (Please enter the nine digits from your Council Tax payment reference. If your reference number contains any letters, these must be entered as capitals.)
- Housing rent
- Business rates (NDR)
- Sundry Debtors invoice
- Benefit overpayments
- Insurance
Direct debit and standing order
You can set up a direct debit to pay a number of council bills including housing rent, council tax, business rates, council tenants' home contents insurance and sundry debtor invoices.
Please note: Direct debits are taken on either the 2nd, 15th or 28th of each month for Council Tax and the 1st of each month for Business Rates.
- Download Direct Debit form for Council Tax (174kb)
- For direct debit forms for business rates, visit business rates forms and reliefs
Please note completed direct debit mandates returned by email cannot be accepted by the Revenues Service. Completed mandates should be returned to Revenues and Benefits, PO Box 16, 52 Derby Street, Ormskirk, West Lancashire, L39 2DF
If you rent a Council House your Housing rent can be paid any day of the week, by direct debit. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly to suit your budget. Setting up a direct debit is quick and easy, you do not need to complete a mandate, just contact the Income Team today on or call 01695 585252 ( for Housing payments only). Any direct debit payment must be paid in advance to prevent your account falling into arrears.
If you wish to pay your bills by Standing Order you should contact your bank direct quoting your Council Tax, Rent Account, Business Rates reference number or sundry debtor invoice number and the Council's bank account details: Sort code – 01-06-45; Bank account number 86998404.
To pay a Sundry Debtors invoice by Direct Debit please click on this link Sundry Debtors invoices
You must ensure that your payments are received by the Council on or before the due date as failure to do so will result in recovery action.
On the phone
- By debit/credit card using the 24 hour automated payment line on 01695 585150
- By debit/credit card by calling Customer Services on 01695 577177
In person
You can also pay at your local Post Office, Paypoint Outlet or Payzone Outlet using a plastic payment card. Contact Customer Services on 01695 577 177 to request a card.
The Post Office website has a Branch Finder (external link) facility to help you find your nearest Post Office quickly and easily.
By post
By sending a cheque made payable to West Lancashire Borough Council addressed to Revenues & Benefits Service, PO Box 16, Ormskirk, L39 2DF. Please do not send cash through the post.