Single occupier and other discounts
Single occupier
A full council tax bill is based on 2 or more adults living in a household. If you are the only person aged 18 or over living in a property, you are entitled to a 'Single Person Discount' of 25%.
How to apply
To apply please complete the Council Tax Single Person Discount form (Word 56kb)
Single occupier discount review
We are currently reviewing the single person discount to ensure that those entitled to receive it continue to do so, whilst also ensuring public money is spent appropriately and fraud is kept to a minimum.
Other discounts
In certain situations, people may be disregarded when counting the number of adult residents. If, after disregarding a person, the number of adults resident remains as one, a 25% discount is given. If all residents are disregarded, a 50% discount is given.
The categories of people who are disregarded are listed below - in a number of the categories conditions apply. Please contact us if you require further information.
Students and young people
- students aged under 20 in further education on certain recognised courses (e.g, A-levels, BTEC)
- 18 or 19-year-olds you are receiving child benefits for who left school or college after 30 April, for the period between the end of their course and the following 1 November
- full-time students or student nurses
- Apprentices
- non-British spouses or dependants of full-time students who are prevented from working in the UK or claiming benefits
Elderly and disabled people
- people who live with and provide care for a disabled person who is not their spouse, partner or child under 18
- people living in residential care homes, nursing homes or mental nursing homes
- people who are severely mentally impaired and receive certain benefits
- long-term patients in hospital
- people in prison (except those in prison for not paying council tax or a fine)
- people staying in certain hostels and night shelters
- members of religious communities (such as monks or nuns)
- members of visiting forces or international headquarters and defence organisations
How to apply
If you want to claim for a disregarded person please complete the relevant form below or contact Customer Services to discuss on 01695 577177 (option 3).
- Download CT 18 19 year old school leaver form (Word 58kb)
- Download CT Apprentice form (Word 54kb)
- Download CT Careworkers form (Word 71kb)