Council Tax Support


Council Tax Support helps people on a low income pay their council tax.

Who can claim?

Anyone who has to pay council tax can apply if their capital is under £16,000. If you are in receipt of Guaranteed Pension Credit there is no capital limit.

How is it worked out?

Council Tax Support is worked out using your income, capital, personal circumstances and people in your household.

Working age households including those in receipt of certain benefits such as Universal Credit, Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance and Employment Support Allowance will pay at least 22% of their council tax bill.

Depending on your circumstances, some of the remaining bill may be paid by Council Tax Support.

How do I claim?

Complete a Council Tax Support form and send it in to us:

What proof is needed to assess my claim?

You will need to provide proof of some of the things you write about on your application including:

  • Proof of identity – passport, driving license
  • Proof of income for all members of the household

A full list of the types of evidence required as proof is provided on page four of the notes for filling in a claim form, available above.

Can a claim be backdated?

You can ask for your claim to be backdated for a maximum of six months if there is a valid reason why you were unable to apply earlier.

If you are of pensionable age special backdating rules apply. Council Tax Support can be backdated for a maximum of three months from the date of your application or from the date that you or your partner became pensionable age if this is later.

Appeal against a decision

If you disagree with the decision you can

  • Ask for an explanation
  • Ask for the decision to be looked at again
  • If you are still not satisfied you can appeal to the Valuation Tribunal of England

 Further information