Open data
Open data in the public sector is about increasing transparency and sharing the information we hold with the wider community.
You are free to use any of the data on this section of the website in a wide variety of applications. We license use in accordance with the same terms and conditions as specified by (external link).
The Local Government Transparency Code places requirements on local authorities to publish information in order to increase democratic accountability and make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision-making process and help shape public services. Further information and a copy of the code is available on (external link).
Council expenditure
- To download data on council spending over £500, visit the spending over £500 page.
- To download the budget books and statements of accounts, visit the council budget page.
- To find information about councillors' expenses, visit the borough councillors' allowances page.
- To find information about grants to voluntary groups including revenue grants, Community Chest grants and Older People's Champion grants, visit the grants page.
- A summary of the costs and income associated with parking and enforcement, including details of parking spaces, can be found on our parking page.
- Download details of the council's Affordable Housing Grant Payments (pdf 188kb)
Procurement information
- To download details of council contracts worth over £50,000, view the contracts register.
- Find information about forthcoming tender opportunities.
- The Transparency Register gives information about Council spending on individual items over £5,000 and also lists contracts with an expenditure that exceeds £5,000.
Payment Performance
Percentage of invoices for commercial goods and services paid within 30 days of receipt or within the agreed payment terms: 94.43% (2023/24).
Amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payment: our system does not currently allow us to collate this data (2023/24).
Amount of interest liable to pay suppliers: our system does not currently allow us to collate this data (2023/24).
Organisation chart, salaries and pay policy
Download the organisation's structure chart (PDF 95KB) (including additional transparency data) relating to staff in the top three levels of the council whose salary exceeds £50,000.
The management structure can be viewed here.
The council publishes, under the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011, information relating to senior salaries in its annual statement of accounts which can be downloaded from the council budget page. This information has been reproduced and expanded in the documents below to include a list of responsibilities for each post.
- Download senior officer salaries (CSV 91KB)
- Download senior officer salaries (Excel 13KB)
The council's Pay Policy Statement can be found here. The pay policy illustrates, among other things, the relationship between remuneration of chief officers and the remuneration of other staff. Under the Transparency Code, the council is required to publish the ratio between the highest paid salary and the median salary of the whole of the authority's workforce. In addition to information provided in the pay policy, the ratio in this respect is 1:4
Details of the anti-fraud information that the Council has to publish under Transparency requirements is outlined in the document below:
- Download anti-fraud information (PDF 13kb)
Land and property ownership
You can download a list of Council owned land and property (PDF 1.03mb) or Council owned land and property (CSV 119kb)
- We do not have details of private land/property ownership. If the area is privately owned, you can contact the Land Registry to enquire whether the land/property has been registered. Telephone the local Lancashire office on 0844 892 1111, email them at or visit the Land Registry (external link) for information. Please note a nominal charge is made for this service.
- To enquire whether an area of land or a road forms part of the adopted highway, please contact Lancashire Highways Authority on 0300 123 6780 or visit Lancashire Highways (external link) for information.
- Lancashire County Council may own areas of land in the borough. Contact them on 0300 123 6701 or alternatively MARIO is Lancashire's online mapping service, which shows areas of County ownership. Visit Mario Maps (external link) for further details.
Social housing assets
- Download social housing assets data by postal sector (PDF 258kb)
- Download social housing assets data by postal sector (CSV 4kb)
- Download definitions of values (PDF 79kb)
Trade union facilities
Information about trade union facility time provided by the council.
- Download Trade Union facilities time (Excel 14KB)
- Download Trade Union facilities time (CSV 2KB)
Council constitution and meetings
- View the Council's constitution
- Find out about council meetings and agendas
Council tax
Visit council tax to download council tax rates.
View election results.
Find information about jobs. You can also register for job alerts and subscribe to the council's jobs RSS feed.
News and press releases
- Read news and press releases.
- Subscribe to the Council's twitter feed (external link).