Leader of the Council and Lead Members

The Leader and the Deputy Leader of the Council is elected yearly at the annual meeting of the Council. The Policy and Resources Committee meet during the year to make decisions on services and to implement policies and Lead Members of that Committee are also appointed at the Annual Meeting of the Council.


Leader of the Council: Councillor Yvonne Gagen

Email: Cllr.Gagen@westlancs.gov.uk

Lead Members

The Council has appointed the Lead Members below with the following portfolios:

Councillor Gareth Dowling - deputy leader and lead member for Planning and Community Safety

Email: Cllr.Dowling@westlancs.gov.uk

Councillor Vickie Cummins - lead member for Communities

Email:  Cllr.Cummins@westlancs.gov.uk

Councillor Sarah Lawton - lead member for Clean and Green

Email: Cllr.Lawton@westlancs.gov.uk

Councillor Kerry Lloyd - lead member for Health and Wellbeing

Email: Cllr.Lloyd@westlancs.gov.uk

Councillor Nicola Pryce-Roberts - lead member for Housing

Email: Cllr.Pryce-Roberts@westlancs.gov.uk

Councillor Carl Coughlan - lead member for Leisure

Email: Cllr.Coughlan@westlancs.gov.uk

Councillor Mark Anderson - lead member for Finance

Email: Cllr.M.Anderson@westlancs.gov.uk

Councillor Melissa Parlour - lead member for Economic Regeneration & Green Growth

Email: Cllr.Parlour@westlancs.gov.uk

Councillor Thomas de Freitas - lead member for Rural Affairs

Email: Cllr.deFreitas@westlancs.gov.uk

Further information

Further contact details can be found on the Council information system