Equality objective - organisational re-engineering
Business Plan/Service Plan priority
Balancing the budget and providing the best possible services within the resources available – organisational re-engineering
As part of its service review programme, West Lancashire Borough Council has committed to an organisational re-engineering approach. This aims to deliver savings whilst improving service delivery and customer accessibility. It forms a key element of the Council’s budget strategy through to 2015.
Equality Objective
To further develop the organisational re-engineering (OR) model to allow for the tracking of customer journeys related to specific personal characteristics, or a combination of these, where this is appropriate and helpful:
- building equality analysis in to the OR model in order that relevant customer profiles can be developed and these specific experiences sought
- supporting those services due to be the subject of future reviews, scheduled or ad hoc, to put appropriate data packages in place before work begins
- developing relationships with key VCS organisations that support or advocate for vulnerable groups and that can help to fill knowledge gaps
Equality Information
The OR process has three key drivers - the way in which the service can be more efficient, effective and economic. The lean business model is used which involves representing the voice of the organisation/management, the employee and the voice of the customer.
Data analysis is used alongside these, usually customer insight based rather than looking at the personal characteristics of customers and how these might result in different experiences. Learning more about where and how to target resources in order to make the most impact will complement this – the Council has recognised through customer insight how different groups of customers respond and how they are also influenced by their personal characteristics and needs.
There is an opportunity when mapping processes to consider how personal characteristics such as age or disability may well be relevant to how a customer experiences a service differently. Other 'hidden' characteristics such as sexual orientation might also be relevant in some settings. It would be important to focus any approach to personal characteristics on where it was most likely to be relevant and have an impact, for example looking at users who are most likely to have difficulties with accessing a quality service or cause problems/issues within the service.
Data packages will need to be developed that are relevant to the review taking place. These will need to be filled through accessing:
- CRM and back office systems
- Data captured through service delivery
- Local and sub-regional analysis of national data
- Data sharing with other public bodies
- Information (soft and hard) from local and national VCS partners
- The results of local engagement